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Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in the year 2024


What is eclipse?

An eclipse happens when one celestial frame moves into the shadow of another celestial body. On Earth, generally two types of eclipses: sun eclipses and lunar eclipses.

Solar Eclipse: It occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, obstructing all or part of the Sun's light. There are three kinds of solar eclipses: total, partial, and annular, pivoting on the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.

Lunar Eclipse: It occurs when Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, chucking its shadow on the Moon. Lunar eclipses can be partial, total, or penumbral, depending on the scope of Earth's shadow that wraps the Moon.

Eclipses are charming astronomical events that have been monitored and researched for centuries. They suggest exceptional possibilities to understand more about the activities and relations of cosmic bodies in our solar system.

1. What is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse?  

A penumbral lunar eclipse appears when the Moon passes through Earth's penumbral shadow. In this kind of eclipse, the Moon shifts through the outermost part of Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra, where the Sun is just partly obstructed. During a penumbral lunar eclipse, the Moon may appear slightly darker than usual, but the change is usually quiet and may not be apparent to everyone.

2. What is a Total Lunar Eclipse?  

A general lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth's shadow covers the Moon. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon can take on a reddish-orange coloring, regularly called a "blood moon," due to the manner Earth's atmosphere spreads daylight. This phenomenon is a result of the equal effect that causes sunrises and sunsets to seem purple.

3. What is a Partial Lunar Eclipse?  

A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the most convenient portion of the Moon enters Earth's umbral shadow, the inner and darker part of Earth's shadow. During a partial lunar eclipse, a part of the Moon seems darkened as it moves through the Earth's partial shadow, however, it does now not completely disappear from view. The extent of darkening relies upon how deeply the Moon penetrates the Earth's umbral shadow.

4. What is a Total Solar Eclipse?  

A total solar eclipse takes place while the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth, blocking off the Sun's disk absolutely and casting a shadow on Earth. This type of eclipse is best seen from a particular place on Earth where the Moon's shadow falls, referred to as the direction of totality. Within this path, the sky darkens as if it had been night, and the Sun's outer environment, called the sun corona, will become seen.

5. What is a Partial Solar Eclipse?  

A partial sun eclipse occurs when the Moon partially blocks out the Sun's disk, but the alignment is such that the Sun isn't obscured. From the perspective of an observer on Earth, it seems as though a dark shadow covers best a part of the Sun's floor. The extent of the partial eclipse depends on the observer's area inside the eclipse's path.

6. What Are Annular Solar Eclipses?  

Annular sun eclipses occur when the Moon is at a factor in its orbit wherein it's far further from Earth, causing it to seem smaller in the sky. When the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun however does now not cover it, a hoop of sunlight stays seen around the rims of the Moon. This creates the arrival of a "ring of hearth" in the sky. Annular eclipses fluctuate from overall eclipses in that the Moon's obvious size is not massive sufficient to block out the Sun's disk, even at maximum eclipse.

Details of all Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in 2024

Lunar Eclipse - March 24, 2024, Sunday and March 25, 2024, Monday

Eclipse Type: Penumbral

Visible Zone: Much of Europe, North/East Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctica

Solar Eclipse - April 8, 2024, Monday

Eclipse Type: Total

Visible Continent: West in Europe, North America, North in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic

Lunar Eclipse - September 17, 2024, Tuesday and September 18, 2024, Wednesday

Eclipse Type: Partial

Visible Continent: Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica

Solar Eclipse - October 2, 2024, Wednesday

 Eclipse Type: Annular

Visible Continent: South in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica

Lunar Eclipse - October 17, 2024, Thursday

 Eclipse Type: Almost

Visible Continent: Not Visible to any location
