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28 Top HTML Helpers questions in ASP.NET MVC


ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions And Answers Part-2

Q1. What are HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC?
HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC are methods that help in generating HTML markup programmatically. They simplify the process of creating HTML elements in views by providing a set of methods to generate standard HTML controls like text boxes, drop-down lists, buttons, etc.
Q2. What are the different types of HTML Helpers? 
 Different types of HTML Helpers include:
Input Helpers (TextBox, DropDownList, CheckBox, etc.)
Link Helpers (ActionLink, RouteLink, etc.)
Form Helpers (BeginForm, EndForm, etc.)
Image Helpers (Image, etc.)
Partial Helpers (Partial, RenderPartial, etc.)
Raw Helpers (Raw, RawValue, etc.)
Q3. What are Url Helpers?         
Url Helpers are methods provided by ASP.NET MVC to generate URLs for different actions within the application. They help in creating links to various actions and controllers.
Q4. What is a Validation Summary?           
Validation Summary is a feature in ASP.NET MVC that consolidates all model validation errors into a single location on the view. It displays a summary of validation errors that occurred during model binding or model state validation.
Q5. What are AJAX Helpers?      
AJAX Helpers in ASP.NET MVC are methods that simplify the process of making AJAX calls from the client side to the server side. They provide an easier way to implement AJAX functionality within MVC views.
Q6. What is unobtrusive AJAX?
Unobtrusive AJAX is an approach in ASP.NET MVC where AJAX functionality is separated from the markup and placed in external JavaScript files. It promotes cleaner and more maintainable code by keeping JavaScript code separate from HTML markup.
Q7. What are various configuration options for AJAX Helpers?
Various configuration options for AJAX Helpers include specifying AJAX options such as URL, HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.), data to be sent, success and error handling functions, etc.
Q8. What is Cross-Domain AJAX?            
Cross-domain AJAX refers to making AJAX requests to a domain that is different from the domain of the current web page. This can raise security concerns due to the Same-Origin Policy but can be addressed using techniques like JSONP (JSON with Padding) or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
Q9. What are Layouts in ASP.NET MVC? 
Layouts in ASP.NET MVC are used to define the common structure or template for multiple views in an application. They typically contain elements like headers, footers, navigation menus, etc., which remain consistent across different pages.
Q10. What are Sections in ASP.NET MVC?
Sections in ASP.NET MVC allow specific parts of a layout to be defined in individual views. They provide a way to inject content into predefined sections of a layout from the views.
Q11. What are RenderBody and RenderPage in ASP.NET MVC?
RenderBody is a method used in layout files to render the content of a view within the layout. RenderPage is similar but allows rendering of another Razor view within a layout.
Q12. What are Styles.Render and Scripts.Render?
Styles.Render and Scripts.Render are methods used to include CSS and JavaScript files, respectively, in ASP.NET MVC views. They help in organizing and optimizing the loading of CSS and JavaScript resources.
Q13. How to enable and disable optimizations in ASP.NET MVC?
To enable or disable optimizations in ASP.NET MVC, you can modify the BundleConfig class to bundle and minify CSS and JavaScript files. Additionally, you can set compilation debug mode in the web.config file.
Q14. What is ViewStart?             
ViewStart is a special file in ASP.NET MVC that allows setting common layout or Razor view properties for multiple views within a folder or the entire application.
Q15. When to use _ViewStart?
ViewStart is used when you want to define layout or Razor view properties that are shared across multiple views within a folder or the entire application.
Q16. What are the different ways of rendering layout in ASP.NET MVC?
Different ways of rendering layout in ASP.NET MVC include using the Layout property in views, specifying layout in _ViewStart, or setting layout dynamically in controllers.
Q17. What is the App_Start folder in ASP.NET MVC?
The App_Start folder in ASP.NET MVC is used to store classes that are executed on application startup. It typically contains classes for configuring routes, bundles, filters, etc.
Q18. What are different ways of returning/rendering a view in ASP.NET MVC?
Different ways of returning/rendering a view in ASP.NET MVC include using methods like View, PartialView, Redirect, RedirectToRoute, and ContentResult.
Q19. What are the differences between ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, and Session?             
ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, and Session are mechanisms for passing data between controllers and views in ASP.NET MVC. ViewData and ViewBag are used for passing data from controller to view during a single request, while TempData and Session can persist data across multiple requests.
Q20. How to persist data in TempData?
Data can be persisted in TempData in ASP.NET MVC by storing values in the TempData dictionary using the TempData property, which is available in controllers.
Q21. How to control Session behavior in ASP.NET MVC?
Session behavior in ASP.NET MVC can be controlled by configuring session state settings in the web.config file and by using session-related methods and properties provided by the HttpSessionState class.
Q22. How TempData is related to Session in ASP.NET MVC?        
TempData in ASP.NET MVC uses session state internally to store data temporarily across requests. However, unlike Session, TempData is meant for short-lived data and is typically cleared once it is read.
Q23. What are Action methods in ASP.NET MVC?            
Action methods in ASP.NET MVC are methods defined within controllers that handle incoming requests from clients. They perform actions such as retrieving data, processing requests, and returning responses.
Q24. What is ActionResult and how is it different from others?
ActionResult is a base class for action results in ASP.NET MVC. It represents the result of an action method and can be of different types such as ViewResult, PartialViewResult, JsonResult, RedirectResult, etc. ActionResult is used to encapsulate the result that will be sent back to the client.
Q25. How to make a Non-Action method in ASP.NET MVC?
A Non-Action method in ASP.NET MVC is a method defined within a controller that is not intended to be invoked directly by incoming HTTP requests. These methods are typically helper methods or private methods used within the controller.
Q26. Can you change the action method name? 
Yes, you can change the action method name in ASP.NET MVC by using the ActionName attribute or by configuring routing to map a different URL to the desired action method.
Q27. How to restrict an action method to be invoked only by HTTP GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE?
An action method can be restricted to be invoked only by specific HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) by using the HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut, and HttpDelete attributes on the action method, respectively.
Q28. How to determine an AJAX request?
You can determine whether a request is an AJAX request in ASP.NET MVC by checking the value of the "X-Requested-With" header in the HTTP request. If the value of this header is "XMLHttpRequest", then it's an AJAX request. 

Click here for more topics :

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions And Answers Part-4

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions And Answers Part-3

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions And Answers Part-1
